Sunday, May 12, 2013

When Japanese think ?Thanks Mum!?

Since it?s Mother?s Day here in Japan at least, I present a timely survey from goo Ranking into when people think ?Thanks Mum!?.


Over the 4th and 5th of April 2013 1,101 members of the goo Research online monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 50.6% of the sample were male, 23.3% in their teens, 25.2% in their twenties, 25.5% in their thirties, and 26.1% in their forties; there was no-one older than 49 in this sample. Note that the score in the results refers to the relative number of votes for each option, not a percentage of the total sample.

Conbini Monday Wk47

Above is a Mothers Day gift catalogue from a convenience store in Japan, themed around Rilakkuma.

My mother doesn?t believe in Mother?s Day, thinking it just a cynical excuse by card and chocolate makers to sell us more stuff.

Ranking result

Q: At that times do you think ?Thanks Mum!?? (Sample size=1,101)

Rank ? Score
1 When I came home late at night and she has a hot meal ready for me 100
2 When she looked after me when I?m sick 96.1
3 When I lived alone and realised how hard cooking for oneself was 95.7
4 When I visit the family home and she makes my favourite dishes 94.8
5 When she sent me food parcels when I lived alone 80.7
6 When I become a parent myself 71.8
7 When I realised she secretly saved money for me 65.6
8 When I got married 65.2
9 When she gets in touch just to casually ask how I am 63.6
10 When I lived alone and realised how hard cleaning was 63.3
11 When she comforted me when I was down 58.4
12 When she baby-sitted for my own children 56.4
13 When she denied herself something to buy things for me 50.5
14 When she was the only one to support me when everyone else was opposed 46.2
15 When she silently listened to all my moaning 42.0
16 When she stayed up waiting for me to come back late at night 39.3
17 When I was coming of age 35.1
18 When I heard a song containing words to a mother 25.9
19 When others praised my deportment, manners 24.6
20 When she never caught a cold all year 23.3
Read more on: goo ranking,mother



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