Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Zone

Any one who has perused my writings will be aware that I am not comfortable with the word ?Channelled?? as I believe it has been misused, over used and basically ? flogged to death? for many years.


I generally refer to the information which is shared with me as ?Downloaded?.


In 2011 I was sitting at my lap top typing? when I noticed that I was once again feeling very ?Spacey? for want of a better word and decided to explore the why this was happening with such regularity at that time.


As I often do, I shared my thoughts with Susan, who not only is a wonderful colleague and the driving force behind the Sounds from Source programs and websites, who is also I am blessed to say my grounding influence and sounding board.



Hi Susan have been very ?spacey? of late especially if I sit at the computer, feels like everything around the screen disappears and I am going into a tunnel type effect.

I had only sat at it for about an hour today and was away with the pixies when June came back.

Sat outside in the sun for 10 mins or so, and then got some paper to scribble

Not spacey I am told

In a ZONE,? not positive ?or negative.

What happens I am told ?is that I step into a higher level of consciousness, and am more able to download information which is not channelled I am told, ?it is? focussed to me?.


Need to write at these times much to record!!


Transfer of energetic patterns and knowledge through integration, assimilation, and acceptance


Interesting stuff will need to make sure I carry a note book etc


The information continued with ways of grounding my self after being in these states, always a good move as ? Being away with the Pixies is a gentle comment from friends who know me well, or ?about to float away? is another one I have often heard and the comments on ?anchoring me to the earth? are often accompanied by much laughter from these wonderful people who love me and accept me as I am.

Now some 18 or more months later I am still going into the Zone and having information ?focussed to me?.


I plan on sharing some of this information as we move through 2012 and I hope you will be as excited about it as I have been


Peace Love and Light




hawaii weather the jerk lake havasu halo 4 jewel san francisco earthquake san francisco earthquake

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