Thursday, January 5, 2012

SOPA, Freedom, And The Invisible War

File:Bradley_Manning_2_(cropped)While laughable in scope and reach (not to mention ridiculous in terms of potential enforcement) the Stop Online Piracy Act is seen as a very real threat to our freedom to, in short, surf the Internet. Although its ramifications are far more draconian than I'm letting on here, I posit that the government is the least of our concern when it comes to online freedom. Let's catch up since our last few articles on the topic. Since the GoDaddy kerfuffle, SOPA has gained traction as the hacker cause du jour. Designed to help copyright holders protect their property (something any casual observer can support), the bill, would allow the US government to essentially "turn off" part of the Internet that it doesn't like. Most of these sites would be "rogue" or, more precisely, out of US jurisdiction. From the Bill:


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